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AMPPS is an easy-to-install software stack of Apache, MySQL, PHP, Perl, Python, and Softaculous auto-installer that can be used on desktops and office servers. AMPPS enables you to focus more on using applications rather than maintaining them. With AMPPS you can create a website by installing any of the more-than-330 apps, customizing it, and then simply publishing it on the Internet via a wide choice of hosting-service providers.
Using AMPPS with Softaculous on your desktop, you get the same powerful database engine and environment that your Web site uses on the internet. This ensures that your transition from development to production is smooth and seamless. AMPPS with Softaculous connects you to a world of popular and free Open-Source Web applications, including Joomla!, WordPress, Magento, Dolphin, and more. Simply select your favourite script, and it handles the downloading and installation of your new Web site.
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