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You can make this a bit cleaner by creating Button Groups. To do this, click + Button Group, give the button group a name (such as Desktops) and then drag/drop the newly created buttons into the group.
Please add auto display off when putting phone face down as Mouse Pro does. Really useful when watching a show and being able to turn volume up and down while having the phone face down on couch and on while the screen is off to save battery and screen. Nice to have the phone on so one can always quickly change volume when needed.
BetterTouchTool 1.83 (August, 12, 2016)
Latest version: 2.800
Step 4: Under Touchpad Gesture, select your desired trackpad gesture. I use the 5-finger tap gesture.
BTT has been supporting window snapping for years. It is a nice feature which lets users maximizing the screen estate by dragging windows to either side of the screen and split it, without the needs to manually move them around and resize.
Interested in a magic wand that can transform your Mac workflow? You need BetterTouchTool ($7), a powerful automation app that gives you precise control over your input devices. (Most likely, you won’t need all 45 days of the free trial period to convince you to buy the app.)
Ranking in Tools & Utilities:
CMD+Q can be recorded as shortcut again
Single-finger tap right.
• Assign custom icons to each action you configure.
We're not big fans of the Touch Bar as it stands, as provided by Apple.
BetterTouchTool is the best app for the MacBook Pro Touch Bar
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