
vers 1.3.1 goldenRATIO how install on High Sierra

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Description: MOApp Software Manufactory - Multimedia Design - Illustration - goldenRATIO - 1331 KB


goldenRATIO is a cute little App providing an easy way to design websites, interfaces, layouts etc. according to the golden ratio - also know as the divine proportion.
This 'golden' ratio has been used by mankind for centuries. Its use may have started as early as with the Egyptians in the design of the pyramids - or at least they were the first passing on a measurable proof.
It also appears in the physical proportions of the human body, movements in the stock market and many other aspects of life, love and the universe…

Version 10.11.4 (1517 KB)

Sierra (1197 KB)

Recomended on MacBook v.1.5.1.goldenRATIO.CS8QJK.tar.gz (1104 KB)

10.12.5 BS1RH_V_1.4.1_GOLDENRATIO.TAR.GZ (1118 KB)

Featured to MacOS (1357 KB)

to High Sierra (1211 KB)

MOApp Software Manufactory

on 10.13.4 4zboG_Outlook_Message_Parser_Plugin_Demo_1. (4128 KB)

Updated 10.11.6 HOCKEY_NATIONS_2011_1.3_7HP2.APP (723148 KB) 3.0

Recomended iMac Pro ver_1.4.4_XHiderPRO_vMS0P.dmg (556 KB) 1.7.1

Best! version OSIK.V.1.9.LESSON.PLANNER.APP (983 KB) 1.8

Best Mojave HPQC-MONEYCLIP-VER.-2.62.ZIP (1069 KB) 0.66

iMac Pro (353 KB) 0.3.12

Software vDLeW version 1.3.3 goldenRATIO 1.3.4 10.11.4

App version 1.6.1 goldenRATIO WsdRk 1.3.2 New! version

Free WLH8 V.1.3.2 GOLDENRATIO 2.3.1 to El Captan

GOLDENRATIO 2.3.1 6L6P8C 1.5.1 New! version
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